Project Description


Palazzo Massimo

Tour highlights: the only occasion in Rome to see roman paintings, belonging to imperial residences, and outstanding mosaics

Duration: 2hrs

This is one of the three great museums of ancient art in Rome. However, it is the only one where you will see something extremely rare: Roman paintings.

The triclinium of Livia, the wife of Augustus. Namely, this was the underground dining room, because it was cooler in the summer.It is entirely painted with a lush garden, as if dining outdoors. The crown jewels of the collection are the many frescoes of Villa Farnesina.

Bedrooms decorated with paintings, halls painted with Impressionist style scenes, exotic settings that evoke Egypt; this set of paintings is the envy of the world. Among the statues, there is also the most beautiful copy in the world of the Discus Thrower and a wonderful, poignant Boxer.

The elderly Boxer is unable to surrender to time passing, with his swollen and bloody face, waiting for the judge’s decision, one last time. Finally, an extremely rare Roman mummy of a girl with her trousseau, including her beloved ivory doll.

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